mens Levis Jeans sold by the bundle Sizes 38 and bigger
Product Description
Condition: Grade 1, 2, 3
The reason grade 3 is included is because a lot of the cool-looking jeans have really amazing wear & tear, distressing, and holes (like ripped knees, fraying, paint splatter, fading, discolour). Personally I love that look, but if you only wanted super clean grade 1 only- this is NOT the mix for you!
Wholesale men's Levis brand jeans, sold by the bundle in SIZES 38 and bigger! This mix of classic jeans has a lot of really nice classic faded blues, but you may also receive: black, grey, acid wash, and dark blue denim. These are entirely some sort of "500 series", including but not limited to: 501, 505, 550, 517.This is *not* a
vintage mix, and most will be from the early 2000s through modern BUT
all these jeans are 100% cotton and are the clasic style. (No Denizen).
Photos are examples only and may not reflect the exact sizes offered in this listing.
Your order may contain any variety of Levis jeans; including any size 38 and bigger. Generally that means sizes 38 and 40, but a bigger ones *could* surprise us. We look everything over for any
major damage BUT see our disclaimer above regarding wear & tear on
these babies!